Is it time to change the way we lead ?

When I was out for my walk this morning, the air smelt fresh. The flowers were in full bloom and I could hear the birds chirping like never before . But it suddenly struck me, why is nature in full bloom when human beings have been forced to stay indoors. Does it have to be either NATURE or US ? Can’t we co-exist in harmony ?

Signals we have ignored

Over the years we have had several viruses like the Ebola, Sars and Swine flu just to name a few, but perhaps because it affected only some parts of the world and NOT the entire world, we have taken it lightly. This time the world is under attack. Isn’t it time to reflect , introspect and see if we need to change our behavior ?

The Truth

The truth is that we have ravaged nature , haven’t we ? We have destroyed forests, polluted our rivers with chemicals , destroyed the habitats of animals by rapid urbanization , destroyed the ozone layers and the results are evident . Climate change, pollution and viruses to name a few.


As I grappled with the idea of how much destruction we have caused around, it suddenly struck me that our ancestors thousands of years ago had proposed a philosophy best captured in the phrase Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (Sanskrit: वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्).

“vasudhā”, the earth; “ēva” = indeed; and “kutumbakam”, family

The original verse appears in Chapter 6 of the “Maha Upanishad ” VI.71-73. It is originally from the Rig Veda,and is considered the most important moral value of Indian society.This verse is engraved on the entrance hall of the Parliament of India .

Simply put the “ The world is our family ” .

a) How would you treat  your child or your sibling or your parents ? With love ,care and concern, right ?

b) Why can’t we do the same with the environment, animals, plants etc. ?

See the picture below . Do you identify with the philosophy of man being in the CENTRE of the universe or a JUST BEING a PART of it?

What can Leaders do to CHANGE the way we LEAD?

1)   Examine whether our businesses are in alignment with “Environmental sustainability”

2)   Examine whether our personal consumption is in alignment with “Environmental sustainability”

Leaders need to set the example, are you doing your part?

(This article is part of a series of entitled “Leadership with Ancient Wisdom” If you found the article interesting , kindly comment below. If you would like to be part of a free webinar on  “Leadership with Ancient Wisdom” kindly leave your email id and whatsapp number so I can send you an invitation.)

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